Friday, May 10, 2013

Web trends in 2013: HTML + CSS3 + Responsive

“HTML5 + CSS3 + Responsive“ is web trends in 2013 because the number of mobile users increases quickly, and become the center of web world today. So it is important to develop a web page that has:

  1. Flexibility to support many type of screen views, including phone, tablet, desktop and even a large TV screen
  2. Ability to support different browsers, e.g IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari
  3. High integrity with other platforms or scripts, e.g. SQL, PHP, .Net, Java and Javascripts
  4. Sustainability for a longer period
  5. Search engine friendly

Below are some pictures to help explain the usage and features of HTML5, CSS3, and responsive designs.

HTML5 Past, Present & Future

CSS3 and Most Important Properties

What is Responsive Web Design

Hope you can understand what & why HTML + CSS3 + Responsive is so important for web technology in 2013 and future.
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