“HTML5 + CSS3 + Responsive“ is web trends in 2013 because the number of mobile users increases quickly, and become the center of web world today. So it is important to develop a web page that has:
- Flexibility to support many type of screen views, including phone, tablet, desktop and even a large TV screen
- Ability to support different browsers, e.g IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari
- High integrity with other platforms or scripts, e.g. SQL, PHP, .Net, Java and Javascripts
- Sustainability for a longer period
- Search engine friendly
Below are some pictures to help explain the usage and features of HTML5, CSS3, and responsive designs.
HTML5 Past, Present & Future
CSS3 and Most Important Properties
What is Responsive Web Design
Hope you can understand what & why HTML + CSS3 + Responsive is so important for web technology in 2013 and future.