Thursday, April 13, 2017

Excel: How to remove empty area and make worksheets nicer for printing

Almost time when using Excel, I need to print its worksheets as result of my work.

But sometimes, I use File >> Print Preview to see what the document will look like if I print it, I often see that the document gets many extra blank pages or the columns broken into new pages. If I save the document as a .pdf file, the problem persists in the .pdf file. It's worse.

However, Excel has Page Layout functions groups to help us make worksheets nicer. Below are 2 functions I often use:
  • Page Layout >> Page Setup >> Print Area >> Set Print Area: select area which you want to print and use this function
  • Page Layout >> Scale to fit >> Width: should be set to 1 page, it will help to avoid broken columns.

There are a lot of functions there which you can try and see until you feel it's good.
Yes, let remember to use Print Preview function to check again before printing any document.
Any comment is welcome.

Bye, nice day!
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