Tuesday, March 6, 2012

vtiger 5.3 - Outlook Plugin 2.1 - Installation Problem

Removed all the .NET, and only installed the last one, .NET framework 4. But it seems it does'nt replace the older versions, all frameworks are complementary.

1 Installation of the .NET Framework 2.1 and 3.5 versions, all needed for VTiger.

2 Then, I installed the Microsoft Office 2010: Primary Interop Assemblies Redistributable

3 Plugin 2.1 installation

4 If the plugin don't show, then try to go in the Trust Control center and activete it. If it does'nt start, follow step 5.

5 Replace the OFFICE.DLL and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll into the plugin folder by the one mentionned by lsmonki. Restard outlook, and if the plugin does'nt show by itself, go activate it in the Trust Control Center. It should start now.

And as a bonus, here's some things you can do to troubleshoot the plugin startup process if this procedure does'nt work for you. I hope this will be as usefull for you as it was for me.

1 - activate fusion login. Open regedit and in the node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion add the following keys :
- DWORD EnableLog with value 1
- DWORD ForceLog with value 1
- DWORD LogFailures with value 1
- String LogPath with value a directory of your choice, don't forget to create it (e.g. c:\tmp\fusion)

2 - try to load the extension with a simple VB script. Create a file names addin.vbs and edit it with the following content :
set o = CreateObject("vtigerCRMOutlookAddin.Connect")
Execute it, then go to the log folder created above, there may be files created with usefull infos in case of failure.

3 - activate logging in Outlook by creating the following environement variables :
- VSTO_LOGALERTS with value 1
Restart outlook and try to activate the plugin. It should display usefull error messages.

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